Specialist in international maritime knowledge center
Chief Engineering Officer
Jytte Ravn Jyrkinewsky
Email: job@odensemaritime.com
At Odense Maritime Technology, we are experiencing a steady increase in the number of projects in the area of ship design and that is why we are looking for a mechanical engineer. You may have extensive experience in large steel structures with several years on your CV or you may be a newly graduated marine or mechanical engineer with a high professional level, the right ambitions, and a strong commitment that will enable you to develop to cover the necessary competences in OMT within a short time frame.
Odense Maritime Technology covers all the technical disciplines involved in the design and construction of naval ships, ferries, and merchant vessels, as well as various shipyard tasks. OMT has two offices in Denmark. One in the immediate vicinity of Odense Railway Station and one close to Copenhagen Central Station.
You will be part of the mechanical department which consists of both younger and older colleagues with great expertise in the field. OMT’s task portfolio ranges widely from small, limited retrofit and conversion projects to the design and planning of naval vessels, ferries, and merchant ships.
You have a degree in mechanical engineering and preferably experience with design and specification of complex mechanical systems – from ship design, industrial maritime or from an equipment manufacture.
The majority of our clients are foreign, and you can expect varied travel activity. We also expect you to have a good command of written and spoken English.
Personally, it is important that you thrive in a dynamic environment where you are constantly faced with new challenges and daily decisions which often involve compromises. Of course, these can never compromise integrity, quality, and safety.
You have an interest in IT and are a proficient user of all the Office suite, CAD and calculation systems.
OMT is one of Denmark’s leading maritime design and consultancy companies. OMT was established in 2010 as a spin-off of Odense Steel Shipyard, then owned by A. P. Møller-Mærsk. Since then, OMT’s services have been in high demand globally.
Today, we employ more than 70 specialists and project managers in our offices in Odense and Copenhagen. OMT offers services in ship design, engineering, licensing, production technology, and shipyard layouts. We place great emphasis on designing products that utilise new and environmentally-friendly technologies, are energy-optimised, have low running costs and are cost-effective, both during production and in operations.
OMT’s teams consist mainly of highly qualified marine, mechanical, electrical, and production engineers.
OMT is an ISO 9001 certified, globally operating company in development and we offer a challenging and exciting career in a technically very interesting industry.
The business environment is international, but we have an attentive and team-oriented working environment in which everyone knows that complex tasks are best solved in teams with high competence and performance as well as great integrity and joy across national borders.
Place of work: OMT, Sverigesgade 4, Odense C or Meldahlsgade 5, Copenhagen V
If you need further information, please feel free to contact us at the email address below.
Send your application to job@odensemaritime.com
Please mark the application “Mechanical Engineer”.
Meldahlsgade 5
1613 Copenhagen V
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C