A new era
Designing ships to be built with tomorrow’s technology is key in attracting generation Z into shipbuilding
Defence procurement
Twin Fin
Technology that delivers high propeller thrust with low fuel consumption as well as increased propeller protection and reduced maintenance and noise
Arctic solutions
Development of solutions that can operate trouble free in the arctic
The EUROGUARD project, funded by the European Defence Fund (EDF), has officially commenced in Estonia.
Following the selection last June of the SEA Defence project by the European Commission (EC) within the European Defense Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP 2019), OMT is proud to be a partner in the Sea Defence project as leader of the work package addressing operation in extreme climates.
DALO and Danske Patruljeskibe K/S reaches agreement on new naval vessels for The Danish Armed Forces
OMT and PensionDanmark will work with Færgesekretariatet (the ferry secretariat) on the development of a new sustainable ferry solution for the small Danish islands and crossings.
Meldahlsgade 5
1613 Copenhagen V
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C