We work for companies and government organisations to deliver affordable maritime defence solutions while creating maritime jobs in buyers’ countries.
OMT chosen by UK Ministry of Defence for the Type 31 Frigate Programme.
A hybrid arctic working horse with world-wide capability.
HMCS Harry DeWolf is an Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship designed by OMT and built by Irving Halifax Shipyard.
Improving production methods, optimising end-to-end supply chains and strengthening procurement.
HOW to make shipyards of tomorrow better than yesterday’s.
The Global Class cruise ships are the largest vessels ever built in Germany.
TwinFin fuel-saving propulsion system is designed and patented by Caterpillar Marine, OMT and Scandinavian Marine Group.
Meldahlsgade 5
1613 Copenhagen V
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C