The challenge is HOW to ensure that ships can operate trouble free after they have been commissioned.
In-service engineering support
Use of equipment and system sensors to allow improved proactive maintenance
Digital twins to support operations
On-board analytics allows for maintenance decisions and aids defect diagnosis
Shore-side analysis helps support to forward deployed units
Together with our partners, OMT offers a range of services after the ship has been delivered. OMT has a long track record in retrofitting or upgrading commercial vessels to make them compliant with new rules or operational demands.
We offer shore-side support with dedicated specialists that can support the owners of the ships we have designed. We store the original design data, and, we offer clients digital twins of the individual ships built based on our designs to ensure the design evolution of each physical ship is maintained.
Basic design
Detailed design support
Set-up of local design office
Training of local team
Supervision of local team
Build strategy
Shipyard assessment
Shipyard upgrade
Shipyard operational excellence
Owner advisory services
In-service engineering support
Use of equipment and system sensors to allow improved proactive maintenance
Digital twins to support operations
On-board analytics allows for maintenance decisions and aids defect diagnosis
Shore-side analysis helps support to forward deployed units
Meldahlsgade 5
1613 Copenhagen V
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C
Sverigesgade 4
5000 Odense C